Work Order Management Software
The SAMPro Enterprise ERP System Field Service Software Suite: Work Order Management Software
Field Service Software for Work Orders
Automated Service Work Order Management Solutions for HVAC Contractors

This automated functionality built into our service work order software removes a great deal of human intervention from routine processes. Intelligent efficiency helps you to better allocate (or reduce) resources for a service department and enable management by exception.
Service Work Order Management Software Features:
- Customer Specific SLA’s
- Equipment Specific Alerts
- Web-Based Management Tools
- PM Contract Load Forcasting
Automated Dispatch Board
- Multiple integrated dispatch board views.
- Automatically notify technicians / subcontractors of newly-assigned service work orders.
- Receive notifications when an event takes place (or at a set time after); for example, send an e-mail to a technician when a work order is assigned to him or automatically fax (or e-mail) a customer once an after-hours work order is completed.
Alerts You BEFORE There is a Problem
Wouldn’t it be nice if you knew about a problematic work order before it slipped through the cracks? For example, how do you currently keep track of service work orders that can’t be completed because you’re waiting on parts? Once those parts arrive, are you even aware? When the work is finally complete, is your billing department instantly notified? And this is only one work order. How many others are in progress?
SAMPro Enterprise’s work order management software gives you a heads-up on work orders before they become problems by notifying a dispatcher, a manager, or anyone else who should know when a work order is falling out of line.
- Trigger alarms when an action fails to occur.
- Receive an emailed alarm message if a work order fails to be completed within an appropriate time.
- Receive updates from anywhere with active notifications via e-mail, fax or text.
Provide Your Customers Exceptional Service From Start to Finish
Since detailed reports can be generated 24/7 and delivered at predetermined intervals, your business can prevent lost revenues by seizing upon timely sales information or anticipating opportunities. Our service work order management software keeps critical business information organized from start to finish to support customer loyalty and increase business revenue.
- Define and enforce customer-based service profiles to suit customer needs with service work orders or preventive maintenance work orders.
- Improve customer relations with our work order software by using Escalation Manager in conjunction with ReportAnywhere to send thank you e-mails to customers once work is complete.
HCAV Work Order Software is Just One Part of Our Complete ERP System
Every component of SAMPro Enterprise is designed to function as part of a complete ERP system and seamlessly integrates with our customer relationship management software CRMAnywhere and business analytics component DBAnalytics. SAMPro Enterprise’s work order management software uses Escalation Management technology to automate much of the service workflow process. User-defined “escalation profiles” enable the system to automatically e-mail, fax or text a manager if a work order falls out of spec.
This automated functionality built into our work order management software removes a great deal of human intervention from routine processes. Intelligent efficiency helps you to better allocate (or reduce) resources for a service department and enable management by exception.
Frequently Asked Questions About SAMPro Service Work Order Software
Do you have a method for easily retrieving HVAC work order history?
Yes, we do. When a work order is completed, all of the details of the work performed are added to the equipment record and listed under the equipment item for easy viewing.
When we have jobs related to warranty issues, can we bill at least two different parties from the same work order?
Yes. For example: you may complete a job or service work order only to discover that the labor is billable to the client; however, the part is faulty and billable to the manufacturer. SAMPro Enterprise’s work order management software handles this without having to create additional work orders.
When we have an HVAC work order job that starts out as an inspection service only, can we partially invoiced this first without having to create additional work orders?
Yes you can. SAMPro keeps all the activity for the work order together for easy management. It allows you to bill and collect the receivable for the initial service to maximize cash flow. The receivable associated with the final approval for the remaining part of the work order is eliminated.
Does your software have a way to tie call-back work orders to the original job work order?
Yes. This is a standard feature of our service work order management software. This feature is very useful when evaluating the performance and overall contribution of out technicians and service providers.